Nazareno Crea



Born in Cinquefrondi near Reggio Calabria in 1983, Nazareno Crea grew up in Rome. He graduated from ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne in 2006, and he won a 2007 Swiss Design Award with his diploma project, a publication on the risk of natural hazards in Switzerland, co-authored with Elena Rendina and Joe Rohrer.

In 2008, Nazareno began to collaborate with Cornel Windlin on what would eventually become LL Catalogue more than a decade later. From 2008 to 2010, he earned an MA from the Royal College of Art in London, and in 2010, he (along with Erol Gemma) won a second Swiss Design Award for a series of five newspapers exploring the history of photography.

In 2013, Nazareno moved to New York, where he worked on the magazine Near East with art director Ted Lovett. In January 2018, he founded his type and logo design studio, ABC ETC., in New York. One of the studio’s first commissions was a corporate font for architecture and interior design company Gabellini Sheppard, NY. He since completed custom type projects for Waldorf Towers NYC, and for the Danish global jewellery brand Pandora.


